Preparedness statistics aren’t great.

Looking for Preparedness books After years of being involved in one or another aspect of emergency preparedness, we realize that no matter the reason, only about half of families and business have any sort of preparedness plan.

Over the past few years, we’ve experienced more huge natural disasters. We’ve witnessed an increase in human-caused terrorism. And we are being threatened right now with a whole new wave of cyber disasters.

This situation needs to change — and we hope our preparedness books can help.

Certainly, we’ve tried a lot of things so far. Along with friends, we’ve been busy . . .

  • Leading marketing efforts for disaster recovery directed at Fortune 1,000 companies as well as small professional firms
  • Getting CERT training (also Red Cross and Amateur Radio Operator training) and keeping those skills updated
  • Helping set up and then leading a local neighborhood emergency response team
  • Publishing information, warnings and survival tips every week for over 10 years at
  • Handing out preparedness information everywhere we go!

Maybe we’ve made an impact locally.

But we are looking at the big picture, where those 50:50 numbers seem stuck. It’s time to up the game!

Since we’re big readers and writers, we are sponsoring this preparedness books site.

Here we highlight books, articles and other digital media that tell the story in new and creative ways – whatever it takes to stir people to action before the disaster hits!

In addition, we investigate and review ways various businesses, including schools and libraries, may be able to use books to attract customers. See Help Us Spread The Word.

Finally, we look to our readers to suggest resources.  Just let us know when you come across — or create! — something different or special, and we’ll review and include it if it fits our audience.

We are all in this together. And the more we all know, the safer we all will be!

Virginia Nicols and Joe Krueger